Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why NOT a Courthouse, a cake, and some punch?

Well before we got engaged, I told Alan that my ideal wedding would be a quick ceremony at the courthouse, followed by some cake and punch. I wasn't entirely kidding. It's fast, it's easy, and it's cheap: three things that cue gasps and pearl-clutching among the traditional wedding planning set: "Fast?! Easy?! CHEAP?! But it's the GREATEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE AND IT MUST BE AS EXTRAVAGANT AS POSSIBLE, YOU FOOL! CUE THE DOVES!"

But we aren't doing the courthouse with a cake and punch deal afterwards. We're not doing it for really just one main reason, sprinkled with smaller reasons, and that one main reason is family. It's important to both of us that our families be there (they have to meet sometime!), and both of us are the last to get married out of our siblings, who didn't necessarily all have traditional American weddings themselves.

It's going to be what we want, though, and everyone else be (at least a little) damned. The reception will be relaxed and easygoing, god willing, the ceremony short and sweet. It's definitely so far been and is going to continue to be a challenge to (time for a bit of drama) DEFY SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS and make it what we want (end drama), but we are nothing if not stubborn.

Although, I'd be lying if I said we never wistfully dream of just a courthouse, a cake, and some punch.

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