Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's quiet, but all's well

Boy, it's been a while since we posted anything. We haven't been very focused on wedding planning since Alan and I have rarely overlapped on time at home (awake and/or with clear minds) since...Thanksgiving. Right now, we're deciding on what we would like the Save the Date cards to look like, but that's about it.

And, personally, because I can't speak for Alan, I've been fretting a bit over what to do with my extremely un-bridal hair. It's short, and it's going to be short, and that's just the way it is. I'm of two minds about a veil, but it seems impossible to find a place to try one on, just to see what it looks like. I'm thinking of ordering one online, but what if I hate it? Fret, fret, fret.

Otherwise--life goes on! My show closed last week, Alan's closes this weekend, then we have a week, then Alan goes to Michigan, so the first weekend in January will be the first time since early November that we'll spend a Friday and Saturday night together without shows! Huzzah.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Social networking gone TOO FAR

If Alan even THINKS of doing THIS during the wedding ceremony, there won't be a reception because we'll be too busy getting the marriage annulled. Immediately.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

And one more thing (this gets its own post)

We booked our photographer! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the synergistic, incredible, lovely and talented...

Emily Takes Photos

Because she is AMAZING. And her photos are AMAZING. And et cetera ad infinitum!

Epiphanies abound!

We are truly doing cake and punch (or pie and sangria, or pudding and lemonade, etc. etc. etc.) during the reception. Truly, truly, for real for real. We sat down and looked at the budget again last week after a couple months of not looking at it--during which time we put down deposits on the location, my dress, the photographer, and a couple other things--and had to take a moment and catch our collective breath. All of a sudden, we're having a moderately expensive wedding! Not outrageously so, thank god, not even probably what most wedding-planning-people would think of as expensive, but it was a bit of a shock to us. And so, after talking about doing hors d'oeuvres [sic, for the love of god, sic] or box lunches (and LADIES! If you are having lunch after your wedding, the BOX LUNCH is highly economical!), we're going to go with our original old fashioned plan.

I know there might be some eye rolling and scoffing at this plan, perhaps a bit of, "we came all the way out here for this?" but the people we care about the most--and who care about US the most--(hopefully) won't care. Or shouldn't care. Or will think it's awesome. I think it's awesome!