Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's quiet, but all's well

Boy, it's been a while since we posted anything. We haven't been very focused on wedding planning since Alan and I have rarely overlapped on time at home (awake and/or with clear minds) since...Thanksgiving. Right now, we're deciding on what we would like the Save the Date cards to look like, but that's about it.

And, personally, because I can't speak for Alan, I've been fretting a bit over what to do with my extremely un-bridal hair. It's short, and it's going to be short, and that's just the way it is. I'm of two minds about a veil, but it seems impossible to find a place to try one on, just to see what it looks like. I'm thinking of ordering one online, but what if I hate it? Fret, fret, fret.

Otherwise--life goes on! My show closed last week, Alan's closes this weekend, then we have a week, then Alan goes to Michigan, so the first weekend in January will be the first time since early November that we'll spend a Friday and Saturday night together without shows! Huzzah.


  1. Is your hair long enough for finger waves? I don't think it needs to be too terribly long for that. Then you could just do waves and maybe a pretty old fashioned comb w/o a veil. Veils are pretty, but can be a PITA and gets caught on stuff...

  2. I've thought of finger waves, too! It might be long enough--parts of it, anyway. My hair is really thick and really fine, so my lovely hair lady layers and thins the hell out of it when I get it cut. I'm due for a hair cut on Saturday, so I might talk to her about it--thanks for the suggestion! And if I do go with a veil, it'll probably be pretty short or just birdcage-y.

  3. They don't have veils at the bridal shop you can try on? Even if you didn't buy your dress at a bridal shop, you should still be able to go to one and ask to try some on, just if you wanted to.
    I always liked the idea of one flower somewhere in the hair. And you have a great color for something like that. Simple is always better.
