Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wedding Shorts

We've started getting gifts! It's so much fun. As I was saying to one of my attendant's:

It's so neat! We asked for it, and we got it! It's like delayed shopping without having to pay for it. So really, it's more like delayed shop-lifting without the risk of imprisonment.


We picked up our marriage license from Alameda County this morning. We're all set! We were the first one's in line when they opened. Lots of people were there for the same thing. We got a handy little booklet from the State of California called "Your Future Together: Health Information You Need to Know" with information on the Name Equality Act of 2007, Living a Healthy Lifestyle, Domestic Violence, HIV/AIDS, Planning a Family, and During and After Pregnancy. How do unmarried people and homosexuals go through life without access to this important information?

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