Tuesday, February 2, 2010

See ball: it rolls

Gosh--we've done so much wedding stuff in the past couple weeks! I picked up my wedding dress (it came in a month early!), we assembled and (as of today) mailed most of our Save the Dates, we went back to Mills with our officiant (Susan, Alan's best friend and a wonderful awesome person) to show her the space and talk about the ceremony and our ideas. We looked at (and ordered) a wedding ring for me, talked to the jeweler about sizing Alan's great-grandfather's ring for him (the short answer is...Alan has to think about it), and, as of last night, booked our plane tickets for our honeymoon in...dun dun dun!....Hawaii!

Weddingy things still to do: get Alan some pants (or a whole new tux), get me a head thing and some shoes, flowers, cake/pie/dessert, invitations, drink-holding things, create a registry, and probably other stuff I'm forgetting. What am I forgetting? Oh, who knows.

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